Monday, January 25, 2010

Psychology vs Physiology: Accountability

But really, by recognizing one simple strategy you can watch your athletes bust through barriers. The saying psychology trumps physiology has more pull than you can imagine. For example, currently I am using the 531 method for max effort days and if your familiar with this program the last set is as many reps as possible at the given percentage. This makes for interesting chemistry in the weight room especially when you are being held accountable by your entire team.

Psychology is pretty much the mind set of your team. But the concept of team mind set goes way further than the psychological factors of trying to do more reps.

Accountability is the root of trust. Often we have meetings EARLY in the morning. We get up 3 times per week to lift or run at 5:30. When an athlete shows up late, not at all, or falls way short of his capabilities, everyone knows. The significant role of accountability in the off season probably is the most important psychological factor a team must build. For example, on the field everyone serves a specific role and you must trust the man next to you to do his job to be successful. If you can't trust a teammate to be at a simple meeting on time, you will have trouble expecting him to serve his role on the field.

When writing the programs, accountability served as a main guide for the design. We require foam roller, but, they must show up 5-10 min early before scheduled warm up to do it. We have them go to failure on the last set of Max effort exercises. If your not busting balls, sweating, and breathing heavy after that last set, your trust is suspect as to whether you put forth you full effort. D gets up to lift at 5:30 on Mon and O on Thursday and if someone is missing, you better believe that they are the first one there the next week.

If accountability is in place and trust is in place, the first things to be at all time highs are morale and atmosphere. When a great atmosphere is developed you can definitely expect guys to come in with the sole purpose of making the most of their time working out.

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