Thursday, April 15, 2010

Summer of Learning

If there is one thing that I would suggest to any young student or aspiring trainer, strength coach, or performance specialist it would be to take advantage of your free time. The best time for any student to get the most education and experience doing something they truly have a passion for is during the Summer months. There are so many great coaches and trainers offering internships and mentorships that it would only make sense to jump at any opportunity you can get to learn from those in the position you some day want to be in.
I recently have accepted to take part in the Summer internship program at Athletes Performance in Arizona where I am more than excited to get started. I look forward to add to my continuing education and sharing some of the great methods to get athletes and clients performing to the highest potential possible. I look forward to keeping everyone updated on my experience and finding ways to integrate the systems and methods at AP for smaller colleges and facilities like mine. So look forward to some great insight from my internship at AP in the near future and hopefully everyone in my position and age are taking advantage of all the incredible coaches out there putting forth these great educational opportunities.


  1. Good luck with that TJ! I am looking forward to hearing about your experiences there. I am starting my internship at IFAST pretty soon and I am super excited!

  2. Congrats TJ... I couldn't agree more man, I learned so much last summer during my internship. Way more then any class or book. AP is the best place around to do an internship too, thats awesome.
