Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Conserving your Time!

Since getting back to school I have been busier than ever. Since being named S&C coordinator for my college's football team I have been busier than ever writing programs and getting things organized to make our great athletes even better. This is extremely satisfying work for me because it involves football and S&C, two things I love. I have worked extremely hard to get into a position where a head coach would allow a person my age to have full control over his teams preparation and development for the current and upcoming season but I am confident and extremely excited to help these guys kick some serious ass. Aside form that I am currently finishing up a great book by Atko Viru (review soon to come) and am working on two more. With all this chaos and trying to stay on top of everything Managing time is crucial. Basically, I try to get my homework done the day in which i receive it and get up early to do my workouts, read non-assigned books, and write programs. I take the time in between class to study and do any homework I can get done. This leaves my evenings to coach in the weight room. I make sure to leave a decent amount of free time to keep sane and let loose. It is a work in progress but so far so good.

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