Monday, September 14, 2009

Needs vs Wants

So far one of the first things that I have picked up on while working with the football team is that they "want" to do a lot of auxiliary lifts. They want to isolate certain muscles, do lots of ab work, and bench all the time. Often times it is because they feel mentally that they are getting bigger, stronger, and for some reason it will help them on the field. I will often tell them it is about what they need not what they always want. Emphasizing that we will take care of things that will hopefully improve performance and keep them healthy in the short time they have for in-season workouts. Does that mean they don't get to do any curls or press downs if they want? NO! Once thy complete the workout which last approximately 35-45 minutes. They are allowed free time for around ten minutes if desired. They do a great job at getting in there mobility and activation work, lifting hard and not slacking off during rest periods, they deserve it. Also if an All-American thinks doing a couple sets of curls will make him play better, just remember, a lot of sports performance is extremely mental. Besides, athletes are being told what to do all day during school and practice that some time to do what they want for themselves is a positive whenever they an get it.

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