Thursday, October 29, 2009

Exercise Sequencing

For the many things that go into setting up a training stage for an athlete one of the most important aspects of all is knowing the preferred physical state of training modalities. This would be in regard to what can be developed under certain states of fatigue.

Fatigue Level: Well Rested
Maximal Speed, Explosive Strength, Max strength (1-3 rep).
Why:These exercises require appropriate neural outputs that are not available in fatigued athletes. They will not respond well to these exercises if fatigued due to inhibitory output from the CNS. If the athlete is fatigued they will be unable to respond well and will get little out of these modalities when compared to well rested.

Fatigue Level: Very Fatigued
Aerobic Endurance, Technique Perfection, Strength Endurance, Flexibility
Why:These modalities require sustained efforts regardless of fatigue so they should be continued as long as possible. You can perfect already learned technique to enhance training economy in a fatigued state. Flexibility is advantageous while fatigued due to its cool down and recovery properties.

Fatigue Level: Moderate
Anaerobic/glycoltic capacity, aerobic Power, Maximal strength hypertrophy
Why:For the capacity work a lot of it depends on the duration of the exercise up to or close to maximum O2 uptake levels. Fatigue is expected and often planned. For hypertrophy depends on rate of catabolism or amount of degraded protein. This makes it so that a lot of effort is required making the last loads of these exercises performed in a fatigued but not exhausted level

As you can see it is not advisable to partake in various types of conditioning and strength modalities with out know the compatibility of each. It is very important to know the physical state in which you are in so that you are able to develop a quality to its full potential.

Zatsiorski, V. Science and Practice of Sports Training. 1995
Issurin, V. Block Periodization. 2008.

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