Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gearing up for gameday!

The football team has been off to a great start. Currently 5-1 and closing in fast on the post season. One reason for the teams great success is the incredible work ethic. One thing i have found is some SERIOUS weak glutes and poor activation. Here are a couple of exercises from this mornings workout that are sure to fix them up.

Here is a video of a Single Leg Hip Thrust. I will start them off with a bilateral variation first and then go to this from there. The athletes really like these an find them very challenging.

Here is a great activation drill from Glute Medius. I really like this one because it does not allow flexion at the hip because the athlete is instructed to push against the wall with heel.

A Classic yet great activation exercise for activation, the X-band walk.

So there you have it. A few of the things we did today to get them doing what they do best. I am looking forward to loading them up in the off season but for now the volume is fairly low and special considerations are taken in account for the trauma caused by games and practice.


  1. Yeah, but what do you SQUAT???

    Nice work on the blog and videos man. The crew here at IFAST checks it daily!


  2. Speaking of squats, I was going to post some video of front squats of the team along with the progression of the clean similar to the Louisville one. My squats are on Fridays and I will post them tm. Hopefully I can get that up next week or this weekend. Thanks for the encouragement!
